In doing their part to help conserve water in the arid northern Utah climate, Davis and Weber Counties Canal Company (D&W) recently implemented a program to start metering the use of secondary water among their customers. While adding meters provided excellent information, D&W staff quickly realized they needed a way to effectively track the information coming in. GIS was the obvious choice, however the process of converting the metering data to a format compatible with the company’s existing maps seemed cumbersome at best. D&W staff turned to Gateway Mapping Inc. (GMI) for an automated solution. Using the Python scripting language along with Esri’s Python site package (arcpy) and Model Builder utility, GMI staff created a series of automated routines. These scripts help the company accomplish several tasks at once, including merging data from the metering software with county parcel data, populating database fields to include links to pdfs of monthly usage statements and hourly usage reports, and synchronization of notes and comments made by company staff. Ultimately, the routines result in a single dataset, viewable via an internal web map that is used by D&W every day to find information, answer questions, and ensure that their metering program is making a difference.
GIS Applications
GIS Scripting
Infrastructure Management | Davis and Weber Counties Canal Company
Sunset, Utah